Eid Al-Fitr is Tuesday 08/30/2011
Eid Al-Fitr insha’Allah will be on Tuesday 08/30/2011. The Eid prayer will be held at 8:45 am sharp at Moss Park.
The prayer will start at 8:45 a.m.
For directions, please use the map below:
Sunnah’s of Eid
1. It is Sunnah to dress in the best clothes we have on Eid.
2. It is a must (Waajib) to pray Eid Al-Fitr Prayer.
3. It is Sunnah to say Takbeer loudlywhen leaving our homes to go to Eid Prayer. There is no Hadeeth related to Rasoolullaah (Sallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) as to what should be said when reciting Takbeer on the way to Prayer, but Ibn Mas’ood used to say the following:
Allaahu Akbar – Allaahu Akbar
(Allah is great – Twice)
Laa Illaha Illallaaha
(There is none worthy of worship except Allah)
Allaahu Akbar – Allaahu Akbar
(Allah is great – Twice)
Wa Lillaahil Hamd
(And to Him belongs all Praise)
It is not from the Sunnah to say Takbeer collectively in a chanting style.
4. The Sunnah for Eid Prayers is to pray in the Musalla (in an uncovered place) and not in the Masjid.
5. Neither Adhaan nor Iqaamah are pronounced for Eid Prayer.
6. The Prophet (Sallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) prayed two Raka’ahs for the Eid prayer and did not pray before it or after it.
7. The Prophet (Sallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) used to come back from Eid Al-Fitr on a path other than the one used in going to it
NOTE: Please bring a dish to share with others and have fun. Also, bring a blanket or a rug to pray.
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