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Achieving the oneness of the Worshipped (Allah) Subhanahu Wa taala without taking a partner with him; this is the meaning of the declaration (Shihada) that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.
Reinforcing one’ self with the beneficial knowledge with which the mandatory acts are performed, and the unclear ambiguous issues are made clear. It also includes rejecting blind following and partisanship to one other than the Messenger Salla Allahu Alihi Wa Sallam.
In the Worship of Allah: Making the Sunnah (Methodology, Way) of the Messenger Salla Allahu alihi wa salam the only way to Allah, and rejecting all innovations in the religion; this is the meaning of the second declaration (Shihada) that Mohammad is Allah’s Slave and Messenger.
Holding tight to the knowledge and acting upon it and avoid exaggeration in taking licenses or harshness.
Ruling by the Law (Shariah) of the Quran, purifying one’s self by leaving immoral and evil things and holding tight to the righteous by following the book of Allah and the authentic Sunnah and following the way of the righteous predecessors.
The wise call to the all inclusive understanding of the Islam and having the patience to any harm that people may inflect.
Masjid As-Sunnah
Shaikh Hasan Akbar will be visiting this Sunday, January...
Eid Al-Adha will be, insha Allah, on Sunday, August...
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